
iCopy Derivative

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Yes. You have two options for copying:

  • New order
  • Current portfolio of iTrader

You may transfer oddlot stocks to either a Regular or Margin account. However, it is not permitted to transfer oddlot stocks to a different iCopy account.

You need to close all positions. Sau đó vào mục iWealth Partner, xem mục iCopy phái sinh và chọn Hủy vai trò. The role will be canceled immediately upon successful operation. You can register to become an iTrader again after 01 business day.



Yes. You are required to meet the following conditions:

  • Possess an activated derivative account.
  • Do not have any open positions and/or pending orders.
  • Register as an iTrader Derivative in the iWealth Partner section, or in the iCopy Derivative section.

This function is under development for Derivative iTraders to view this in the Derivative iTrader interface.


  • The deposit/withdrawal process and order placement remain the same as the regular Investor interface.
  • However, it’s important to note that iTrader is only allowed to trade within the Whitelist, which consists of the nearest expiry VN30 Index Futures contract. Additionally, on the expiration date, iTrader can trade two types of contracts with the nearest expiry dates.

Fees/taxes similar to standard trading, please click here for more detail

iTrader is entitled to Management Fee and Investment Efficiency Fee, details here. The fee is paid in iXu on the 15th of each month.

The following conditions need satisfying:

  • – Be an iWealth Partner.
  • – Have an activated derivatives account.
  • – No open positions and/or pending orders.
  • – Register to become an Derivatives iTrader in the iWealth Partner section, under Derivative iCopy.

iTrader can only cancel enrollment when they have no Copier or have closed all positions. In the event that iTrader has closed all positions and canceled their enrollment, the system will send notifications to iCopiers.

The system will close all open positions, collect replication fees, and transfer funds from VSD back to the derivatives sub-account.


To stop copying, please navigate to the iCopy section and initiate the “Stop Copying” process. The copying suspension will be finalized once the system has closed all positions (if any), transferred funds back to the derivatives sub-account, and settled any outstanding obligations, including replication fees.


No, there is no time limit. You can only actively execute trades when you are no longer an iCopier.

Yes, the orders will be canceled.

Yes, even if the iTrader’s account maintains the required margin ratio.

Hệ thống cũng sẽ sinh lệnh đóng vị thế tương ứng của iCopier, dù có thể iCopier chưa chạm ngưỡng xử lý đóng vị thế bắt buộc.

Yes. Any profits (if applicable) will be credited to the derivatives sub-account at the start of the next trading day. When the accumulated amount in the derivatives sub-account reaches 1 million VND, the system will automatically transfer the margin to VSD (at 8 AM) to enhance the Copier’s replication value.

There are two methods:

  1. Customer access the iCopy section and select “Invest More” to increase the copy value. This is the most efficient way and provides the quickest boost to your account’s purchasing power.
  2. Customers deposit funds into their derivative sub-account: At the start of the trading day, the system will automatically transfer funds (minimum of 1 million Vietnamese dong) from the derivative sub-account to the derivative margin account at VSD to enhance the copy value.

No. You can only replicate a single iTrader at a time. If you intend to switch to a different iTrader, please complete the discontinuation of copying the current iTrader before registering for a new one.