TCBS automatically updates dividend information in investors’ portfolios within 3 working days of receiving official notifications from VSD, requiring no action from investors. For specific official information, please visit, and enter the stock code in the search box to view details. The Ex-Dividend Date is the working day immediately preceding the Record date. On this date, the prices of dividend-paying stocks will be adjusted downwards in accordance with the dividend payout ratio from the beginning of the trading session. It’s important to note that investors who place buy orders on this day will not be entitled to the dividend rights. Specifically: For specific official information, please visit, and enter the stock code in the search box to view details. The Record Date is the closing date for the list of shareholders eligible to receive rights. If the Record Date falls on T day (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays), you will be entitled to the right if you meet one of the following criteria: – You own shares available for trade on or before T-2. You place a matching Buy stock order at the latest on T-2. – You place a matching Sell stock order on T-1 or T. TCBS will send notifications and update dividend information (if applicable) on your assets after receiving notice from VSD, within 3 working days. To access specific official information about the Right Event or “Time to register and order shares” for preferential purchase rights, please visit, enter the Stock codes of interest in the search box to view details. Stock prices are adjusted on the Ex-Dividend Date to comply with security regulations. When a business announces a cash or stock dividend event, the client’s stock assets essentially remain unchanged. Therefore, the Reference price of shares on the Ex-Dividend Date is adjusted downwards in proportion to the dividend paid.