20 Sep Can I find iTrader’s information with just their full name as a search criteria? Read more Facebook Twitter Email LinkedIn
15 Sep When I select “New order”,” how does the iCopy system generate orders? Read more Facebook Twitter Email LinkedIn
06 Sep When I select “Current portfolio of iTrader”,” how does the iCopy system generate orders? Read more Facebook Twitter Email LinkedIn
26 Jul How is the purchasing power calculated in the iTrader sub-account? Read more Facebook Twitter Email LinkedIn
30 Jun If iTrader choose to cancel their role, what should I do? Read more Facebook Twitter Email LinkedIn
29 Jun Do I need to sell all the stocks when I choose to stop copying an iTrader? Read more Facebook Twitter Email LinkedIn
10 Apr Am I allowed to modify the stop-loss ratio while in a “Pending Stop-Loss” state? Read more Facebook Twitter Email LinkedIn
10 Apr Can I transfer oddlot stocks from my iCopy sub-account to another sub-account? Read more Facebook Twitter Email LinkedIn